Diversity Policy

We firmly believe in equal opportunity for all and operate a diversity policy in all of our dealings that ensures this is strictly enforced.

Finding the best candidate for the job

Regardless of ethnic, sexual or religious background.

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

Perrott Partners Recruitment applies a diversity and inclusion policy when working with clients to ensure that the most appropriate shortlist is submitted.

Candidates are selected based on skills, experience and ability to perform the required tasks. They are not rejected based on age, disability, gender, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, ethnicity, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or sexual orientation.

Perrott Partners Recruitment actively advertises vacancies on a variety of platforms with the aim to widen the candidate market as much as possible in which we recruit to ensure a diverse talent pool.

Perrott Partners Recruitment audit job adverts to speak to a broader range of candidates, gearing language to appeal to the target demographic.

Perrott Partners Recruitment works with organisations to optimise their employer brand to appeal to wide talent pools, working to promote existing benefits and values which will appeal to diverse candidates

Perrott Partners Recruitment aims to use partners that share similar beliefs and have a diversity policy.

Consultant interview questions will relate to the requirements of the job only.

Applicants are short listed solely on the basis of capability.
